Xen Sams about OGPay

Enjoy financial freedom and trust with OGPay

See how OGPay works to make life better and easier for millions of people including millennial mom and iHeart Radio host, Xen Sams.

ATM Access

OGPay now offers direct cash-outs with nationwide ATM access

Enjoy secure cash-out transactions from the OGPay Mobile Wallet with no need for a physical bank card. Use OGPay to withdraw cash in ATMs nationwide.

14 Eagles of OGPay

Connect OGPay to the 14 Eagles back office

Instructions on how to register and use the OGPay account for the 14 Eagles Platform.

Black Meta Fest 2022

Leading The Way For The
Future of Black History

Black Meta Fest is a virtual, week-long, educational and social festival featuring Black creativity and Black History with 7 unique themed days. Join us in the celebrating of Black legacies - both past and future.